CEO Today - Africa Awards 2024

Trust is a crucial element in the coach-client relationship. How do you build and maintain trust with the executives you coach? Trust building in coaching starts from the very first moment you interact with the client, the sponsor, or other key stakeholders. Building trust is undergirded by ethical practices, establishing clear agreements, conducting discovery, and aligning with the client on coaching objectives. If you are mindful of confidentiality, boundaries, and contracting, you can actively demonstrate to your client your integrity and positive intent. Executive coaching can sometimes involve confronting uncomfortable truths. How do you navigate these challenging conversations with your clients? It is important to confirm with a client that they are ready for coaching. This means determining if they are ready to hear feedback that might be uncomfortable at times and then building a personal rapport with that client to establish a relationship where they are willing to hear observations and feedback from me as their coach. “By helping to identify strengths and facilitate clarity, trust building, mutual accountability, and healthy conversations we nurture a culture where people want to work and happily contribute.” CEO Today Africa Awards 2024 - SIERRA LEONE - - 48 -

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