CEO Today - Africa Awards 2021

Ramasela Ganda Avis Budget Southern Africa 74 Rebecca Nyirenda MakNit Consulting REIS REIS Richard Rushton Distell Ltd Seelan Gobalsamy Omnia Group 16 Sisa Ngebulana Billion Group 32 Stephan Helary Terres d’Afrique Taubie Motlhabane Cape Town International Convention Centre Vikesh Ramsunder Clicks Group 75 TANZANIA Frederick A Swai CMTL Group 76 UGANDA Goretti Masadde The Uganda Institute of Banking and Financial Services Lilly Ajarova Uganda Tourism Board 34 Mathias Katamba Dfcu Bank 78 Richard Byarugaba National Social Security Fund ZAMB IA Arnold Nyendwa VENTURAS JUMPSTART Mabvuto Chipata ZCCM Investments Holdings PLC 80 Z IMBABWE Tjeludo Ndlovu Edgars Stores Limited 81 www. ceotodaymagaine . com CEO Today Af r i ca Award s 2021 - Index -

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