CEO Today - Africa Awards 2021

Cobus Human founded One Capital in December 2009 and continues to serve as CEO and principal dealmaker of the group. He has more than 23 years of uninterrupted and dedicated corporate finance experience gained across various types of corporate actions and industries, with more than 20 of these years acting as CEO and principal dealmaker of a corporate finance business. Cobus started his corporate finance career in 1998 with Anglo American in its Corporate and International Finance Division. Prior to establishing One Capital, Cobus served as CEO of Barnard Jacobs Mellet Corporate Finance (Pty) Limited (“BJM Corporate Finance”) (then part of the BJM Group, at the time a JSE listed financial services group) for 3 years. He was the founder and CEO of Quaestor Capital (from 2000 to December 2006). The BJM Group acquired Quaestor Capital with effect from 1 January 2007. During the course of the delisting and disposal of the BJM Group, One Capital acquired BJM Corporate Finance in late 2010 and rebranded it under the One Capital Group, resulting in client and service continuity now stretching beyond 21 years. In 2015, Cobus was awarded the DealMakers® Individual DealMaker of the Year award in recognition of his transaction related achievements during 2014, including designing and leading the execution of the innovative R6.6 billion capital raising and black economic empowerment transaction on behalf of Northam Platinum Limited (“Northam Platinum”), a leading South African platinum group metals producer. In 2020, during the unprecedented market and economic turmoil amidst the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and a national lockdown, Cobus negotiated and led, on behalf of Northam Platinum, a R5.8 billion restructure of Northam Platinum’s domestic medium term notes (“DMTNs”). Later in 2020, Cobus negotiated and led, on behalf of Northam Platinum, additional private placements of senior unsecured floating rate DMTNs to the value of R2.8 billion. 2020 also saw Cobus lead the One Capital deal team advising private equity firm Capitalworks in respect of the R4.6 billion dual leveraged buy-out of the Peregrine Group and its simultaneous delisting from the JSE. This transaction won the 2020 DealMakers® Private Equity Deal of the Year. In the same year, Cobus led the successful defence by One Capital of Quantum Foods Limited against a hostile take-over attempt launched by Country Bird Holdings Proprietary Limited, with the introduction of two so-called “white knight” strategic shareholders, including a UK based private equity fund and another JSE listed entity. The above 2020 transactions, executed amidst extreme and volatile market conditions, earned Cobus a second nomination as DealMakers® Individual DealMaker of the Year. In 2021, Cobus designed, negotiated and led a complex series of inter-conditional empowerment and share buy-back transactions between Northam Platinum and its black economic empowerment shareholder, Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi Platinum”) and Zambezi Platinum’s preference shareholders. The positive impact of these transactions is reflected in the 99.9% shareholder support received by Northam Platinum. Cobus has led more than R400 billion worth of corporate finance transactions across the full spectrum of mergers and acquisitions, equity and debt capital raisings, balance sheet restructurings, listings, delistings from multiple exchanges, black economic empowerment transactions across various sectors, leveraged buy-outs, hostile takeover defences, private equity and crossboarder transactions. About One Capital One Capital was founded in 2009 as an independent and privately owned advisory firm, focusing exclusively on the provision of independent, bespoke corporate and regulatory advisory services, including the full suite of M&A services, capital raisings (equity and debt) and restructurings. One Capital has grown into one of the largest dedicated corporate finance teams in South Africa, with more than 25 professionals servicing a wide range of clients across a variety of industries. One Capital prides itself on providing independent, innovative and value enhancing advice to its clients, tailor-made to suit each client’s specific requirements within the parameters of South African and international regulatory frameworks, coupled with best of class execution. One Capital’s independence from investors, capital providers, shareholders, auditing firms, stockbrokers and research providers allows One Capital to provide independent and objective advice at all times without risk of conflict. One Capital has won numerous major accolades and have been winners of all three major Dealmakers® awards, including in 2020, Individual Dealmaker of the Year in 2014 and Deal of the Year in 2011. About Cobus Human CEO Today Af r i ca Award s 2021 - South Af r i ca - Cobus Human Founder and CEO of One Capital - 71 -

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