CEO Today Africa Awards

71 CEO Today Africa Awards 2019 south africa FLEETWOOD GROBLER Executive Director and President and Chief Executive Officer Sasol FIRM PROFILE Sasol is an international integrated chemicals and energy company that leverages technologies and the expertise of our 31 270 people working in 32 countries. We develop and commercialise technologies, and build and operate world-scale facilities to produce a range of high-value product stream, including liquid fuels, chemicals and low-carbon electricity. Sasol’s new value chain-based operating model came into effect in 2014. Towards this end, the Sasol Group is now organised into two upstream business units, three regional operating hubs, and four customer-facing strategic business units, supported by fit-for- purpose functions as reflected in our new Sasol website. By combining the talent of our people and our technological advantage, Sasol has been a pioneer in innovation for over six decades. As market needs and stakeholder expectations have changed, so too have our methods, facilities and products, driving progress to deliver long-term shareholder value sustainably. The growth and enhancement of our foundation businesses in Southern Africa is complemented by the significant chapter of growth, Sasol has entered in its history. At Sasol, we recognise the growing need for countries to secure supply of energy and chemicals. For many countries, specifically those with abundant hydrocarbons, in- country conversion of these resources into liquid fuels and chemicals goes a long way to boost national economies. Sasol’s focused and strong project pipeline means we are actively capitalising on the growth opportunities that play to our strengths in Southern Africa and North America. Our focus is creating value sustainably and we are proud to be taking this company, to new frontiers. Sasol was established in 1950 in South Africa and we remain one of the country’s largest investors in capital projects, skills development and technological research and development. The company is listed on the JSE in South Africa and on the New York Stock Exchange in the United States. Our Vision To be a leading integrated global chemical and energy company, proudly rooted in our South African heritage, delivering superior value to our stakeholders. Our Purpose To create superior value for our customers, shareholders and other stakeholders. Through our talented people, we use selected technologies to safely and sustainably source, produce and market chemical and energy products competitively. ABOUT FLEETWOOD GROBLER Prior to his appointment to the GEC, he was Managing Director of Sasol Olefins and Surfactants. Mr Grobler joined Sasol in 1984 and has served in most of our South African operating facilities and has extensive experience in Sasol’s international businesses.

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