CEO Today Africa Awards 62 CEO Today Africa Awards 2019 NIGERIA OSITA A. ABOLOMA DIRECTOR GENERAL/CHIEF EXECUTIVE SON (Standards Organization of Nigeria) FIRM PROFILE The STANDARDS ORGANISATION OF NIGERIA (SON) is the apex standardization body in Nigeria. SON was established by SON Act No. 14, 2015, which repeals the Standards Organisation of Nigeria Act, Cap 59 laws of Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004, and Enact the STANDARDS ORGANISATION OF NIGERIA Act. 2015 for the purpose of providing additional functions for the organisation, increasing penalty for violation, and for related matters. This SON Act 2015 , has now replaced the Enabling Act No. 56 of 1971 which has three amendments: (Act No. 20 of 1978, Act No. 32 of 1984 and Act No. 18 of 1990). The aims and objectives of the SON include: Preparation of standards relating to products, measurements, materials and processes among others, and their promotion at the national, regional and international levels; Certification of industrial products; Assistance in the production of quality goods; Improvement of measurement accuracy and circulation of information relating to standards. Standards Council of Nigeria The SON’s governing body is known as the Standards Council of Nigeria (hereinafter called the “Council”). This is the policy-making body for supervising the administration and financial management of SON. The Council is responsible for among other things: Advising the Federal Government of Nigeria generally on the national policy on standards; Standards specifications; Quality control and metrology; Designating, establishing and approving standards; Determining the overall policy of SON; ABOUT OSITA A. ABOLOMA Osita Anthony Aboloma holds a Bachelor of Law degree (LL.B) Hons from the then Bendel State University, Ekpoma 1991 and a B.L. from the Nigerian Law School, Lagos in 1992. An alumnus of the Anglican Grammar School, Ubulu-Uku, in Delta State, Mr. Aboloma has been in legal practice since 1992. He started with Jaja Wachukwu and Company, Abuja and later Okunade Olorundare (SAN) and Company as Counsel involved in preparation and perfection of loan and equipment leasing agreements, deeds of assignment, mortgages, debentures and guarantee bonds, legal aspects of sale and purchase of lands as well as debt recovery and litigation. He set up Osita Aboloma and Associates in 1997 where he was Principal Partner until his appointment. The scope of legal practice spanned telecommunication, media and energy; litigation; corporate finance & banking; commercial; employment; property and litigation. Amemberof the InstituteofManagement Consultants (MIMC), Fellow Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators, Mr. Aboloma was appointed Director General and Chief Executive of the Standards Organisation of Nigeria by President Muhammadu Buhari, on September 26, 2016

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