CEO Today Africa Awards
NIGERIA 58 CEO Today Africa Awards 2018 KOLA ADERIBIGBE Managing Director KSP Shipping & Logistics Ltd ABOUT KOLA ADERIBIGBE Kola is the founder/Managing Director, KSP Shipping & Logistics Ltd. Among other companies includes KSP Farms Ltd (oil palm plantation), KSP Global Synergy Ltd (International Trade) He is a trader, a freight forwarder, supply chain expert and a farmer Kola is a goal getter with focus on great rewards. Kola has expert knowledge in International Trade and Export Management. Expert in Oil and gas logistics and Supply Chain Management. An international business consultant, he is a trainer and speaker in various business topics. Kola studied Oil & Gas logistics at Westcoast Maritime Institute, Canada 2014, and has a Post Graduate Diploma in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (NITT)2009. Kola has attended so many seminal both locally and international on leadership. Delegates to various international business forums. Kola is an Alumnus of the Lagos Business School-Owner Management program. He was a General Manager with many years Business experience in the Handling and Management of shipping and Logistics cum entire business activities for KODA and DAVOF trading company Limited respectively (sister companies to SHORELINE POWER formerly ABB Electrical). An astute manager of Men, materials, and resources; His drive, knowledge and pedigree rubs on the staffs. His sterling experience and agility has contributed in positioning KSP as a player in the industry both locally and globally. He is a Fellow, Institute of Freight Forwarders (Now Institute of Freight Forwarder & Customs Broker); Member Chartered Institute of Transport & Logistics (CITL); Member: - Federation Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimiles (FIATA) or called International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (Switzerland); Member: - World Cargo Alliance (WCA), US/Hong Kong and Member: Oceanwide Logistics Network (Germany). He has received several awards, including; 2017 Shipping/Logistics personality Leadership Prize Award, by African Leadership Magazine; - Mea Maritime & shipping Award UK; Outstanding Logistics & Supply Chain Company 2016; Honorary Fellowship Award 2011 by Institute of Freight Forwarders, and Fellowship Award- African Centre for Supply Chain 2019.. Kola is widely traveled, a great golfer, swimmer, and member of several prestigious community clubs FIRM PROFILE KSP Shipping & Logistics Ltd was established in 2006 and since then commenced operations with sustainable growth. They offer a full range of cross-border trade supply chainmanagementservices along e-commerce value chains through supplier alliances of partnering with key suppliers and manufacturers across the globe. They are strategically positioned to provide stable profitability and support constant improvement that will accelerate strong growth and create sustainable value. Their services include: - Procurement - e-commerce - Supply chain - freight forwarding/ NVOCC - Import & Export - Project cargo - Licensed Customs Agent - Licensed Ships Agent - Exhibition cargo - Oil & gas logistics KSP Shipping & Logistics’ goal is to become one of the best companies in the field of supply chain management. CONTACT E: W: T: +2348177779993 Best Africa Agent 2019: Awarded by Africa Logistics Network (in Istanbul Oct 2019)
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