CEO Today Africa Awards

morocco 44 CEO Today Africa Awards 2019 ABDELMALEK ALAOUI CEO GUEPARD CONSULTING GROUP ABOUT ABDELMALEK ALAOUI Abdelmalek Alaoui is the CEO of panafrican media investment holding Guepard Group, that owns HuffPost Maghreb, Afriquinfos and La Tribune Afrique. A columnist, Alaoui is also a spin doctor and a communications strategist, specialized in CEO’s and governments image. His advisory portfolio counts economic giants such Abdeslam Ahizoune (CEO of telecommunication giant Maroc Telecom) and Moulay Hafid Elalamy (CEO of key holding group SAHAM and current Minister of Industry). It also once counted Mostafa Terrab (CEO of phosphate powerhouse OCP). He has also advised the Moroccan government in strategy and communications. In 2008, Alaoui founded the successful advisory company Global Intelligence Partners, that he sold in 2015 to consulting giant Mazars. However, this acquisition did not include the areas of communication of influence and lobbying, that he retained to create the Guepard Group. I am a consultant and author, founder and CEO of Guepard Group (www. ), an advisory firm for CEO’s and Governments . Prior to that, I founded Global Intelligence Partners ( ); a leading west african consultancy firm specialized in strategic analysis and Business Intelligence, which was bought by french multinational firm Mazars Audit & Consulting ( ) in January 2015. In march 2015, I was named one of the Young Global Leaders (YGL) of the World Economic Forum. An MBA graduate from HEC Business School and a graduate in public policy from Sciences Po Paris, I am also an editorialist and political analysts for french weekly “Le Nouvel Observateur” ( . FIRM PROFILE Founded in January 2015 by AbdelmalekAlaoui, Guépard Consulting Group (GCG) offers strategic consulting and operational support for executives, which is part of a process of communication of influence. GUÉPARD CONSULTING GROUP intervenes in particular for the directorates-general and the governments who wish to modify the external perception of their image. In addition to this mission of advising and articulating the strategies of communication of influence, GCG brings to its customers unique know-how which makes it possible to obtain very quickly results which allow to find serenity within organizations under pressure. “A columnist, Alaoui is also a spin doctor and a communications strategist, specialized in CEO’s and governments image. His advisory portfolio counts economic giants such AbdeslamAhizoune (CEOof telecommunication giantMaroc Telecom) andMoulayHafid Elalamy (CEO of key holding group SAHAM and current Minister of Industry). It also once counted Mostafa Terrab (CEO of phosphate powerhouse OCP). He has also advised the Moroccan government in strategy and communications.”

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