CEO Today Africa Awards
SOUTH AFRICA 66 CEO Today Africa Awards 2017 importance of social responsibility is earned. Lyn believes this to be an integral part of leadership development and transformation. For Lyn, her success is only measured by the lives that she has connected with and transformed, and the firm foundation that has been laid for future growth in both prosperity and in people. KLM Empowered is an enterprise built on transformation: Since its inception in 2005, KLM Empowered Human Solutions Specialists has steadily grown and developed at an immensely successful ratio rate. KLM Empowered has successfully pioneered business driven action education for work-based learning, integrating multiple intelligence theories, aligned to full qualifications, resulting in the graduation of over thousands of individual learners nationally to date. Lyn’s enterprise prides itself on offering far more than a mere qualification. KLM Empowered has created the balance between practical, theoretical and life orientation-with a dedication to human transformation, through the development of both EQ and IQ. Learners receive a fully immersive qualification that additionally develops inter-personal skills too. The company has experienced it’s own challenges that would have been impossible to overcome without Lyn’s steadfast nature. In 2013, KLM Empowered Human Solutions Specialists buckled due to various unforeseen circumstances. This caused mass retrenchments and the possibility of foreclosure. However through hard-work, sacrifice and a belief-system based on the choices we make, Lyn was able to make a complete turnaround for the business in the short space of 12 months. Lyn is the driving force behind the ongoing evolution of KLM Empowered, inspiring new business development and innovative new business portfolios year on year. She has grown KLM Empowered from a small micro business to a QSE showing the exponential growth irrespective of the economic climate and changing landscapes. “ Knowledge plus action, aligned to the 21st Century economy and the working world excites me. From day one in my business, I knew that this was the missing link in the industry and would prove a winning formula to empowering a nation and to making a difference – hence, this remains my personal quest! ” says Lyn. Educating for self sustainability Social Responsibility plays an important role in Lyn’s vision for KLM Empowered. In 2006 she founded the KLM Empowered Ubuntu Trust, a Corporate Social Initiative devoted to developing home grown South African talent and aspiring entrepreneurs. Lyn always maintains a strong moral compass and large heart which allows her to give back through KLM Empowered. From the simple act of donating to charities and sponsoring underprivledged communities to spearheading a major charitible campaign, such as the recent launch of the 275 Big Hearts Challenge, Lyn’s capacity for heart-centred business is bottomless. The 275 Big Hearts Challenge is an initiative encouraged by Lyn and her team that forms part of the Learnership social responsibility assignment. The Challenge was set to encourage learners to connect with others less fortunate than themselves; to give back with humility and give dignity back to those that are often forgotten. This year the KLM Empowered Ubuntu Trust together with learners nationally were able to collect and distribute over 5, 777 individual lunch packs to the less fortunate within neighbouring communities. Accreditations: With Lyn driving the vision of her business with the support of her committed and dedicated team, KLM Empowered is a proud registered Private FETC institutional body, with the DHET. It is
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